mpg phix visceral fat loss
xtreme global pHix
pHix is the easy way to "Slim while you sip!" with our exclusive, all-natural dietary supplement designed to help support your body in burning fat for up to 9.5 hours.
pHix is created through a patented extraction process from the Hops Flower
that results in Adaphyte (a concentration of Mature Hops Extracts or MHE).
pHix is colorless and tasteless, so you can enjoy it in any beverage.

phix visceralfat loss
A Revolutionary extract that is changing the way people address the metabolic process and unhealthy fat! Learn about this Extrac

xtreme phix one snap
ADD it to Water, Smoothie, Tea, Juice,

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pHix Sizzle Video 38 Seconds
Turn all beverages into a Diet Drink

xtreme phix one snap
COFFEE, AND... even Adult Beverages.
Stimulant Free - Tasteless

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How it Works Audio
6 minute with the pHix formulator

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Proven - All-natural - Plant Based - Patented

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Phix Product Reveal - 1hr 27min.

mpg phix visceral fat loss facts
Click to Enlarge image

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
MPG is not responsible for any of these testimonies.
These testimonies are not the opinion of MPG, but peoples personal experiences.

Personal Results

Hi Adrian,
Started taking pHix on 11 July. In one week, my waist is down one inch.
I have lost 5 pounds so far. - Daniel P.

Hi Wendy,
My client has been on ozempic for almost a year and hasn’t lost any weight.
She started on PHIX on July 2nd and on the 16th she had lost 5 pounds and four inches.
All I can tell you is for the first time in years she has hope in better health and to one day get rid of her wheel chair. - Beth M. >>> (That's amazing! It makes me very hopeful. :) - Wendy)

I’ll continue to track this month but an inch off my waist already?? 

Very pleased so far!
- Randy R.

phix results

So excited I just lost 2.4 lbs. In a little over 1 week! I didn't really change anything in eating habit, but I noticed I really don't have an appetite. Praise God. - Inneca M.

My week one is complete, and I am blown away at how effortless our new 9-Hour FATBURN has worked for me. I've burned off 4.2# my first week...
Can't wait to get my second week started. - Karen F.

My sister on thyroid meds. She takes pHix 3 hrs after thyroid meds.
She lost 2,2 lbs in 2 days. - Nancy H.

More results to be posted soon

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
MPG is not responsible for any of these testimonies.
These testimonies are not the opinion of MPG, but peoples personal experiences.

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Slim While You Sip Video - 41 seconds

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